Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Atchison Village Social Club Meet Authors: Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying with Roddey Reid, July 20, 7pm

Atchison Village Social Club

Meet the Authors & Book Reading
Community Hall

270 Curry St., Richmond, CA 94801

Roddey Reid
Professor Emeritus, UC San Diego
Friday, July 20

7:00 pm
Community Hall
270 Curry St., Richmond, CA 94801 

What is political bullying vs. other kinds of bullying? How does it work?
Why do political intimidation and bullying seem worse now? 
What is their emotional and political toll?
How is the current harsh public climate a challenge to public life and civic action

Roddey Reid is ProfessorEmeritus, University of California, San Diego, where he taught classes on the modern cultures and societies of the U.S., France, and Japan. His latest writing has been on trauma, daily life, and the culture of intimidation and bullying in the U.S. and Europe. He hosts a personal blog called “UnSafe Thoughts” on bullying and the fluidity of politics in dangerous times. He is a member of the San Francisco chapter of, the activist group that was formed in December 2016 and now has over 6,000 chapters nationwide.

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